
-Intel Xeon processor with 3.1 GHz(3.4 Turbo)
-4 cores (8 threads)
-16GB ram
-2x1,5TB disk drivers in RAID mode
-1Gbit connection connected to T1 network
-Linux operating system for best performance
-99% uptime, server is hosted in France datacenter and support DDoS protection


-daily backups of all content to keep your characters data safe and secure

    Ares x100

Server - Ares server

Chronicle: High Five
Exp: x100
Sp: x100
Adena: x400
Drop: x3
Spoil: x10
Enchant rate: retail
Blessed enchant rate: retail
Safe enchant: +3
Max enchant armor/jewel: +15
Max enchant weapon: +18
Buff time: 60 minutes
Song/Dance time: 60 minutes
NPC buffer: buffs/songs/dances/summon
Auto events: every 60 minutes, .event for more info
Class change: Free (Question Mark)
Subclass change: free (at grandmasters)
Noblesse: barakiel /1000 medals
Dual boxing: max 3 per box


-Special olympiad (heroes 2x per month, anonymous olympiad game)
-Sieges every week
-Territory wars every week
-Custom Battleground PvP/farm zones with and heal rewards every 45 min
-Automatic Instanced events (TvT,Koth,CTF,Dom,DM(anonymous),Fos)
-Event - Medal as main currency (obtainable with Automatic events,Voting,PvP - Heal rewards,Medal Keepers,Raid bosses,Sieges)
-Reduced RB spawn time with time frame spawn info
-Custom NPC buffer
-offline shop system (leave your shop on and use 'exit client')
-Advanced Community board (with latest real time announcements,top players list, event info,RB time framespawn info)

Custom commands:

.event/.join -> show event list and enables join to the event if there is participation avaliable
.afk -> usable to report afk player in event
.language -> Language system - seperate chat channel accesed by .language command ('-' or '^' for speaking on the language chat)
.buffoff -> anti overbuffing command(you can only receive buffs from self/party/clan/alliance)
.buffme -> get buffed from AIO with no clicks
.xplock -> gaining exp is disabled
.getreward -> get reward from vote

    Server status